Even if you really suck at something, you can get great at it. By great, I mean really great. You can become an expert. I am going to tell you […]
Athlete Profile: Nicole Cammarata
Nicole trains in the evening and it is widely thought that she will have the best squat in the gym within a few months because she is showing no signs […]
Women Should Avoid Lifting Weights Or They’ll Get Bulky
Many women of all ages, weights, heights, and backgrounds lift at Chicago Strength & Conditioning. Before we started lifting here, we were all fragile, sweet, and movie star skinny. Since […]
I don’t do any cardio and I lost 15 pounds
“You’re doing cardio too, aren’t you?,” my doctor asked when I saw her last month. “Nope,” I say. “I just lift heavy weights. That’s all.” My doctor clearly never hears […]
I suck at sports but I want to be a great powerlifter
I have always been a mediocre athlete. Born with little body awareness and nonexistent intrinsic understanding of how to perform a new movement or task, when learning any new physical […]