Geoffrey has been an consistent client since he joined us in September 2018. His dogged consistency and dedication paid off big-time on November 15, 2019. He finally earned his 2345 sticker! Geoffrey’s last obstacle was an elusive 500 pound deadlift (227 kg). We watched him attempt this lift several times in 2019. He attempted, and […]
Amir Ahmed: Athlete of the Month
Amir has been training with us since December 2018. In that time he’s been amazingly consistent, only missing a workout or two due to travel. His consistency has paid off. Amir competed in the 2019 USSF Fall Classic on October 26th. He squatted 300 lbs, pressed 155 lbs, and deadlifted 375 lbs at a body […]
Louis Fernandes: Athlete of the Month
Louis has been a member of CS&C since November 2017. Louis has the distinction of being the first and only (for now) member of the illustrious 2-3-4-5 club. For those who don’t know, this means he overhead presses, bench presses, squats, and deadlifts over 200, 300, 400, and 500 lbs, respectively. He also is a […]
Athlete of the Month: Ruth Yturralde
Ruth has been a member of CS&C since October 2018. She is one of our most consistent members. She hasn’t missed a single training session since she joined! That’s 136 straight sessions. Not only that, Ruth makes the 15-mile hike from Rolling Meadows to train with us! Ruth’s easy smile and easy laugh make her […]
Athlete Profile: Kevin Hammond
Kevin has been training at Chicago S&C for over a year and wasted no time signing up for his first competition. Kevin rocked the Chicago Strengthlifting Challenge at the end of April, PRing his squat, and impressing the world with his neon socks. Kevin brings humor, a passion for guns, and an infectious positivity to […]