Finding it easy to get excited about a new workout regimen but impossible to keep your motivation going? Don’t get hard on yourself when you fall of the wagon.
Distractions happen. Days get filled up. It can seem impossible to fit your training in. But just come back to the gym. Don’t promise yourself you will come in next week or that next month will be more open. Remember this simple mantra: Get Your Ass To The Gym. (GYATTG).
Odds are that the more you go to the gym, the more you will want to keep going and as you drop off, the less you will feel like going. If you found that you were once really consistent in your gym habits but have fallen off lately, press restart in your brain and commit to going to the gym that evening. GYATTG.
There is never a right time to commit to your training. It is always going to sound more fun in the moment to slump into your favorite couch and drink while watching Netflix. Resist that impulse and GYATTG.
Did you sign up for the 6:00 PM Chicago S&C class tonight but your friend just invited you to join their trivia team at the local bar? GYATTG.
Have you missed workouts for 3 weeks and just think working out will be too unpleasant? Toughen up and GYATTG.
Have you never really committed to a workout regimen before and can’t imagine ever starting one? Shut up. GYATTG.
Do you have too much work to do and need to catch up? GYATTG. Believe it or not, you’re actually more productive at work when you’re happy so skipping your workout will cause your work to suffer in the long run.
Fortunately for Chicago S&C members, we have extra incentive to GYATTG. No class is larger than 10 people so when one of us misses a class, our coaches and fellow members notice. Our coaches email us to ask us when we’re going to GYATTG and we hear about our absence from our fellow members when we finally do GYATTG again.
If you have found that no workout regimen has ever held your interest for very long, consider barbell training. Getting strong is fun and doesn’t require you to run on a treadmill while staring at a wall blankly for 50 minutes.
Barbell training, in particular, requires consistent GYATTG. To get stronger, you need to put more weight on the bar every time you train and you know what you necessarily have to do before you can put any weight on the bar? GYATTG.
So get off the couch and GYATTG!