Chicago Strength & Conditioning
A Starting Strength Gym
Stronger Together is a Starting Strength Affiliate Gym Meet displaying the strength of two lifters working together to form one total. Rather than competing individually, Stronger Together will require competitors to form a team of 2 and complete all 4 lifts as outlined in Starting Strength; The Deadlift, Squat, Bench and Press. Teams can be Male/Male, Male/Female or Female/Female. EACH LIFTER in the team must perform one upper body and one lower body lift. Every lifter will receive 3 attempts at each of the 2 lifts they complete. The top successful attempt will count towards each teams total. Totals will be the combination of both lifters Wilks score in a team.
Teams will choose which division they will compete in based on the members in their team. Teams will have the option to lift in the Open (18-40 years of age) division or Masters (40+) division. If one team member is over 40 and one team member is under 40, that team must compete in the Open division. Teams in the Masters Division will have their scores calculated by Wilks and age points (McCulloch formula). There will NOT be weight classes for this meet but there WILL be weigh-outs. No singlets, No commands, No Sumo, tons of fun.
Each Affiliate gym will give out their own awards/prizes to their winners. The top 3 winners in EACH division from each Starting Strength Affiliate Gym will be sent in to Nicole Rutherford to determine the STRONGEST Teams of all the Starting Strength Affiliate Gyms. The Grand Champions from each division will be given awards.